Every Thursday Hard Rock Daddy features three hard rock songs with a common theme. This week’s “Three for Thursday” lineup consists of Widowmaker, Sevendust and Twisted Sister. The theme is revealed at the bottom of the page beneath the last video. This week’s “Three for Thursday” songs: ARTIST: Widowmaker SONG: […]
Three for Thursday – Hard Rock Songs: Breaking Benjamin, L.A. Guns, Craaft
Every Thursday, Hard Rock Daddy features three hard rock songs with a common theme. This week’s “Three for Thursday” lineup consists of Breaking Benjamin, L.A. Guns and Craaft. This week’s “Three for Thursday” songs: ARTIST: Breaking Benjamin SONG: “The Diary of Jane” ALBUM: […]
Three for Thursday – Hard Rock Songs: Throw The Fight, H.I.M., Seether
Every Thursday Hard Rock Daddy features three hard rock songs with a common theme. This week’s “Three for Thursday” lineup consists of Throw The Fight, H.I.M.and Seether. The theme is revealed at the bottom of the page beneath the last video. This week’s “Three for Thursday” songs: ARTIST: Throw The […]
Hard Rock Songs – Three for Thursday: 3 Pill Morning – Three Days Grace – 3 Years Hollow
Commercial radio stations around the country have been featuring “Two for Tuesday” (two songs by each artist) for many years. Keeping with the alliteration concept, Hard Rock Daddy is going to be doing “Three for Thursday” each week, but with a little bit of a twist. Every Thursday, three hard rock songs with an underlying […]
The Crazy Ones
“We are the crazy ones…we color outside the lines for fun…we march to the beat of a different drum…’cause we are the crazy ones.” Stellar Revival’s “The Crazy Ones” is a great hard rock song that, by all rights, should be playing on a 24/7 loop in my house. It’s Monday morning. The weekly grind […]