It was a cool November morning in 1977. I woke up early, excited to celebrate my 9th birthday and open my presents. Unwrapping the big one first, I was psyched to see that it was the boombox that I had asked for, but the smaller present is the one … Learn more >>

A Newfound Appreciation of the Record Store Experience
January 06, 2014 by Adam Waldman - 2 Comments
During the recent holiday school break, which was extended by arctic conditions in the Northeast, my family and I returned to my hometown for a visit.

Rock and Roll Children: Top Hard Rock Songs of 2013
December 18, 2013 by Adam Waldman - 4 Comments
The end of the year is fast approaching. Before the year ends, Hard Rock Daddy will present the Top 50 Hard Rock Songs of 2013, in

Rock and Roll Children
May 20, 2013 by Adam Waldman - 1 Comment
When I was a kid, I was exposed to a lot of Doo-Wop music, especially on car trips. My siblings and I didn’t have iPods to